Just a few short months ago, before Preston went off to Kindergarten, I was a basket-case. I was terrified of sending him off to be in someone else's care all day, every day. And it wasn't just because I'd had him home with me for just short of six years, but sending an allergic child off to school is a whole other story! Christopher insisted he would go to public school, like Kate, and that he'd be fine. I on the other hand, had some serious fears. I feared he'd be stuck at a table all by himself at lunch and be cast as the loner. I had fears of life-threatening reactions and so many teachers, unaware of his allergies. I had registration forms to the private schools, all ready to be filled out the second I found something wrong.
But, the day came and I had to send him off. As worried as I was, I felt peace. I had done all I possibly could to prepare him, his teacher, and the school staff. He had his medic alert necklace, the school had his Benadryl and Epipen on hand. His teacher knew that he was not to eat or touch any food that I didn't send in. The school nurse informed me that every teacher in the school would be notified of his allergies, and all knew what to do in the event of an emergency.
Early in the morning on the first full day of school, his teacher called and asked about a food project they were doing, and wanted to know how she could make it safe for him. It was a jello painting project, and they were using a safe brand, so I gave the go-ahead. This wasn't the only time his teacher called with similar inquiries. When his birthday rolled around, I was given permission to bake my own treats and bring them in for him, instead of them being store-bought. I got a call today that one of the children in Preston's class was having a birthday, and they asked if I could bring in a treat for Pres.
All my worries were for nothing. There's always going to be that nagging little fear that something could happen, but I don't worry like I used to. He's in a great school, with great staff. I love how there's always a teacher by the front doors each morning, opening them for the children and greeting them by name. I love how they're always so friendly after school when I pick him up, and when we see them outside of school. It's great to feel comfortable. It's great that he loves school.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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