Today was the fourth straight day of Kate being 100% dairy-free, and if the past four days are any indication that things are on the upswing, then I'm totally optimistic! In those 4 short days, I have seen an amazing transformation in her behavior alone. She's not as agitated or uptight, and doesn't constantly pick fights with Preston- a blessing in it's own right! She's easier to get along with, and it's so nice. If you've ever read Doris Rapp, MD's book, "Is This Your Child" you know how food allergies don't always take the "normal" path in terms of reactions, and can often cause behavior problems.
Food wise, she's also doing well and adjusting to not having her dairy products. I make sure to pack her lunch very full so that there's lots to choose from to fill her up- she's also eating like a horse just because she's 10. I think she's realizing that most of the foods she already ate were dairy-free, so this hasn't been that big of a change. Breakfast is the hardest because she always had French toast sticks or Eggos, but she's been happy with toast and Pop-Tarts. The rest of the meals are all dairy-free anyway so they're no different.
I still worry that this may not be dairy related, and may be something GI and not even allergy related at all, but I find it kind of odd that it always happened after she had eaten dairy. Our plan now is to stay dairy-free. Once Christmas break rolls around and she's out of school, if she's still doing well, I'm making an appt. with her ped. so see what she thinks the next step should be. I don't know if she'll want us to try Lactaid and re-introduce dairy or see an allergist. We'll see.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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