Maybe that's not exactly the best way to phrase it, but it looks like Kate will now be going completely dairy-free, at least for the time being.
Kate has always been my picky one. Long before Preston came around, she was hooked on cheese. She LOVED it, lived for it. Since cheese served as a big caloric intake for her, as well as fat since she didn't eat much meat, we really couldn't take it away from her. So she was allowed to eat cheese and yogurt, mainly at school, but I would let her have cheese at lunch if she ate it with a fork (no milk on her hands).
Lately, Kate has been having some "digestive" issues, and having them on a fairly regular basis. These episodes tended to pop up on Monday mornings after she had eaten cheese bread at my grandmas on Sunday night. Maybe "eaten" isn't the most accurate term, either- more like gorged herself. Yeah... Then last night we went to Pizza Hut to use a free coupon Preston had earned at school. Ironic, yes. Pres had his Burger King, and Kate ate free off the buffet, and after a long day of Christmas shopping and Girl Scouts, I wasn't about to cook.
Lo and behold, Kate woke up today with stomach pain. She whined and tried to get out of school, but she only has one more day before she reaches her 6-days a semester limit for being absent, so off she went. The school called around 10:00 to say that Kate was in the office with a stomach ache and no temp. I told them she'd eaten too much cheese and that she was just fine. She made it through the day, but just minutes ago, I had to go upstairs for the second time to clean up puke.
So starting immediately, Kate is completely dairy-free as well. I'm pretty confident that this will solve her issues. The child that once tolerated dairy so well, seemingly overnight about a month ago, started having issues with it. Now it's taking less and less for her to feel bad. I can't say it's an allergy, but with Preston, it's a very real possibility. I'm thinking lactose intolerance due to only GI symptoms, but we'll see. Won't this make packing school lunches for Miss Pick so much fun?
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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