Preston loves jello. Loves it! I often make up a batch and pour it into single-serving size containers and pack it in his lunch box. It never fails to be a favorite. So when the school served blue jello at snack time, it was too much to resist. Preston is usually extremely careful about what he eats if it's not given to him by us, or if it's new. I rarely worry about him at school because of how careful he is, and his teacher is cautious as well. Then one day they had blue jello at snack time. Instead of eating his snack, he decided that the blue jello was something that he simply had to have. Well, the blue jello was not the Jell-O brand that is safe. No, it was the Wal-Mart brand that contains traces of milk and peanuts. I pick him up from school and see that his mouth is blue- slightly alarming because I knew that I'd sent nothing blue that day, not because I thought he was oxygen deprived. I asked what he'd eaten, and he told me. I get him home, clean him up, and find that his eczema was flared up in a terrible way. We'd just gotten it under control in the past few days, now it was horribly inflamed again.
WE had to have a little chat after that incident. He already knew that not all jello is OK, but that blue jello was oh, so, tempting to a six year old. I can't blame him, I love jello, too! But I think (at least I hope so) he learned a lesson from it- he hates his eczema flares, especially the ones on his face.
Oh, and beware of lipstick as well! While at Granny and Pa's 2 weeks ago, Preston went upstairs with Granny and decided he wanted to try on her lipstick. Not sure where that one came from... Anyway, his eczema flared up horribly all around his mouth and took over a week to get back under control. Cosmetics companies don't list ingredients, and often times they contain peanut oil and other strange and not-so friendly ingredients. Just be careful!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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